PUBLIC SPACE AS SPACE FOR DEMOCRACY Idea* What does it mean for a space to be public? Why we should make it ours. #EN #PUBLIC #SPACE
CAR(E)AVAN Format* A sonic critical mass to promote sustainable forms of transportation and and future proof mobility policies. #CAR(E)AVAN #criticalmass #EN
POLITICS?! Idea* We hear and use the word politics a lot, but what does it actually mean? What is politics? #definition #EN #politics
ABANDONMENT Idea* Abandonment of spaces is a real problem in many cities. We reflected on this during the Futuri Sonori workshop. #ABANDONMENT #EN #SPACE
METAMORPHOSIS Idea* Some thoughts on change and transformation that emerged during the Futuri Sonori workshop. #CHANGE #EN #METAMORPHOSIS
SOUND FUTURES Format* Your browser does not support the audio element. How could the future of abandoned spaces be re-imagined? In this workshop we tried to find out! #EN #FUTURES #SOUND
TALKING BODIES Idea* What does it mean to 'talk' through our bodies? A short abstract from a conversation about the Musical Body format. #BODY #EN #SOUND
TIME Idea* Our life is marked by time at every stage. But have we ever stopped to ask ourselves what that means? #EN #SOUND #TIME
MUSICAL BODY Format* In this format we explore our bodies as sonic instruments and try to interact using sounds without words. #BODY #EN #MUSICAL
SPACES OF EXPRESSION Idea* Which and where are the spaces of expression in our cities? #EN #EXPRESSION #SPACE